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One day in Istanbul - Turkish schools on the way to transform education

2023. január 26.Alexander Pushkin

As one of the final opportunities of 2022 to show how Mozaik Education and our products can help transform education for the better, we were honoured to participate in a conference, organised and hosted by one of our partners in Turkey, Bekdata. The purpose of the one-day event in Istanbul, themed “Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Education” was to present and explain how Bekdata and their local partner network are able to support teachers, students and educational institutions to develop a sustainable and future-proof hardware and software ecosystem for more effective, more engaging and more quality-oriented education. 

This conference was the first of its kind since the coronavirus pandemic in Turkey. It brought together more than 100 headmasters of the most prestigious schools in Turkey as well as professionals and decision-makers from digital education and technology fields. 

A wide range of topics was discussed and presented from digitalisation in private schools to augmented reality usage for education. Mozaik Education for its part presented the concept of how one can build a bridge between traditional and digital education and also, how mozaBook, mozaWeb and our very extensive Mozaik Media Library can be a fundamental element in all this, based on our unique experience in the field. 

Discussions with several institutions represented at the event have already started, and we are absolutely determined to see our joint efforts materialised very soon in those schools - and to see a lot more of them join this journey. 

We thank Bekdata and Mr. Bekir Gül personally for their hospitality and the opportunity to participate in such an event. 

Címkék: mozaBook , conference , Mozaik